Hola todos! While away on my little six week adventure, I will be missing you all. And while I will have to wait to come back to hear all about your lives, while I'm gone I can at least keep you updated about my travels and my journey to test my independence (and Spanish). In the words of my friend Suzanne "who needs television when I can watch Ruthie's life?" Well, using this blog I hope to live up to her expectations by being as entertaining as she claims. You all will be the judges of that.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A quick blurb

Buenos Dias! (Muchas frias) So I'm trying to get an earlier start to my days. I just sat around writing down all of the things I want to see and tried to place them in days of the week. There is SO much to do and see that I best get moving. I'll write a longer update later on. But for now I wanted to leave you with some footage of the La Feria de San Telmo that I went to on Sunday. The people here just have such a passion for life and for the rhythm that drives it. Enjoy!

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