Hola todos! While away on my little six week adventure, I will be missing you all. And while I will have to wait to come back to hear all about your lives, while I'm gone I can at least keep you updated about my travels and my journey to test my independence (and Spanish). In the words of my friend Suzanne "who needs television when I can watch Ruthie's life?" Well, using this blog I hope to live up to her expectations by being as entertaining as she claims. You all will be the judges of that.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The people who like people

The people of Buenos Aires are called portenos (with an enye that is not working on my computer). All of the guidebooks that I read say that Buenos Aires oozes with attractive people, that basically G-d took all of the most attractive people in the world and put them in one city where they could party it up knowing they were the most beautiful people created.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING AT! As a precursor, I have only been here 5 days. But so far, the people of Argentina are as varied in appearance as the States. As I walk down the street I don't pass anyone that makes me think "where have you been all my life?" I expected tall, dark and handsome to be the norm. It's not. In fact, people aren't really dark here. They are farther south, so it makes sense.

Natural looks aside, the portenos (again with an enye) obsess over image. A distinct sense of fashion seems to be a Argentinian genetic trait. This is especially true of the "Mommy generation." I assume that these women have kids, since there are a lot of teens etc in Buenos Aires and someone must be their mother. But no one dresses like a mom here.

Apparently, plastic surgery is big here. I only saw one woman who was like seriously plastic. It seems that beauty and fashion concentrates on the face. The more you accessorize, the better. Everyone my age and younger - especially the guys - have piercings all over their faces. Eyebrow rings are popular. Random piercings on your face just above the lip, just below the lip; take your pick. And almost all the guys have at least one pierced ear.

True to Argentinian priorities, the guys dress well. The other night at Bahrein, the men were SO metrosexual I honestly thought that we just might have made a mistake and come to the club on a gay night. But by the amount of heterosexual couples making out on the dance floor, I'll go with a highly tuned sense of style.

Portenos (you know how to say it by now) are really friendly. You kiss everyone you meet on the cheek. Only the right cheek - this isn't Europe. It's just a very warm way of greeting people and I like it a lot. My cab drivers have all been very friendly. They like to talk about their lives. I meet helpful people everywhere I go. If St. Maarten is the friendly island, this is the friendly city. And I think that's what sets it apart from Paris or LA or New York.

Even though it is big and hip and trendy and cosmopolitan and historic, it's still cozy and welcoming. Thanks to the people.

1 comment:

  1. In my next life...I want to be...Ruthie Fierberg!! Sounds like you're having "un tiempo fabuloso, chica bonita". Enjoy....I'll continue to follow your blog!!
