Hola todos! While away on my little six week adventure, I will be missing you all. And while I will have to wait to come back to hear all about your lives, while I'm gone I can at least keep you updated about my travels and my journey to test my independence (and Spanish). In the words of my friend Suzanne "who needs television when I can watch Ruthie's life?" Well, using this blog I hope to live up to her expectations by being as entertaining as she claims. You all will be the judges of that.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ushuaia: the end of the world

Yesterday I arrived in the southernmost point of Argentina/the world. Google it on a map. It's pretty crazy that I'm here. And I didnt make up the name. It's real.

I arrived at Antarctica Hostel and immediately met up with two friends, one who I had made in Salta and an Israeli guy I had met in Calafate. The Israeli guy and I went out to get our passports stamped so that I have proof I was at the end of the world, and then to eat. Did I mention I was starving? It was practically blizzarding outside, which seemed normal to me. My Israeli friend was so excited to see snow.

At least now, there was a reason for the cold. Although, to be honeset, other places in this country were colder. It doesn't make any sense. I am in Antarctica and I'm not that cold. In fact, I can go outside without gloves and be comfortable. Silly. I met a ton of people almost immediately here. Everyone is super friendly. We had a mate circle, which I loved and just talked. Then, my night was made whole. Tennis was on tv. I watched Rafael Nadal kick some swiss butt when he beat Wawrinka in straight sets at the Rogers Masters in Toronto.

But I sidetrack. Ushuaia.

I woke up at a decent hour this morning to take the bus to El Parque Nacional de Tierra del Fuego. My friend Monique and I hiked the entire trail. The park is really beautiful all covered in snow. We trudged through the trails and slid down others. We saw some red foxes and some rabbits, too. It was a nice daytime activity for a few hours. We walked all the way to the end of the earth which is just so cool. It is the fartherst point you can walk to on earth! - well unless you're a scientist and get special permission and a team to go to actual Antarctica.

By 3pm we were back on the bus to town and pretty tired. Hiking is awesome. I'm actually a huge fan. But the snow makes it harder and we were pooped.

It was a pretty simple day. I think I'm winding down at the same pace as my trip. Still enjoying my last few days, but I'm happy to just relax in the winter weather and sip mate with my new friends. And listen to some Christmas music. I can't help it. It feels like winter to me. Hence, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reigndeer.


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