Hola todos! While away on my little six week adventure, I will be missing you all. And while I will have to wait to come back to hear all about your lives, while I'm gone I can at least keep you updated about my travels and my journey to test my independence (and Spanish). In the words of my friend Suzanne "who needs television when I can watch Ruthie's life?" Well, using this blog I hope to live up to her expectations by being as entertaining as she claims. You all will be the judges of that.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bungee on the Bridge!!!!

Well, I had to go in the afternoon since I was going solo and there was no morning group. I was so amped up and ready to go by the time the van came to get me at 3pm. We drove an hour and a half to the bridge in Dique Cabra Corral. The bridge sits over this gorgeous river between two mountains. The girl in the same van as me bought the "adrenaline pack" so they had her do repelling, puenting and ziplining before I got set up. While she was, you know, having fun, a group of five other kids came to bungee.

Somehow I ended up first. Originally, I didn't think I wanted to go first, but when they told me I thought to myself, "Ok. Cool. I won't know what to expect since I haven't watched anyone, making it all the more fun and new." They locked me into my ankles braces and I climbed up onto the metal platform that extends perpendicular to the bridge. I looked down. It really wasn't that far. And the river looked soft just in case, haha. Really, it was only about 140 feet. Less than I had repelled over cold hard rocks.

I stood with my toes hanging over the edge and my fingers gripping the side railings. I raised my arms up...and had to put them back down and take a deep breath. Standing up there and leaning the tiniest bit forward without falling is way scarier than actually falling. But I told myself that it would be awesome and that I should just dive off like Pocahontas dives off that cliff in the beginning of her movie.

So I lifted my arms superman style and leaned forward. When I started falling I closed my eyes tightly. But when I felt like I was flying I opened them. INCREDIBLE. I opened my eyes before the bungee cord rebounded back on my body. Unfortunately, I didn't touch the water at all. I wanted to hit it with my hands...but they must have miscalculated my weight. Oh well. The water was way too cold to dunk. WAY too cold. Even the guys from the company told me not to dunk.

So the bungee pulled back and I kind of bounced around and spun and swung back and forth. It's the strangest feeling because you are just hanging upside down with no point of reference as to where you are in the world. SO exhilerating. I loved it. I got in the boat afterwards and then ran up all of the stairs from the dock to the top of the bridge. I was jumping and running around. My heart was raising, my lungs were pumping. The adrenaline felt awesome.

Really, the jump was no big deal. The feel itself is fantastic, but the jump itself...I don't know. Not terribly extreme. I'm super glad I did it.

Video footage to follow.